Friday, June 13, 2008

Two days in Rome

I arrived yesterday in the morning and Richard, Elliot's godfather, my old friend and travelling companion, and I immediately started sightseeing.  We went first to Saint Peter's at the Vatican.  On the plane during the flight I had been reading about the Roman church in the first 150 years of its existence.  A small community meeting in homes and often in secret.  The empire didn't understand them really, only thought they were a part of the large Jewish community Trastavere. 
Sometimes they were blamed for trouble, and the Roman authorities expelled them, or as in the case of Peter and Paul, arrested and executed them. I visited the prison today where Peter and Paul both were probably held for a time. It was dark, dank, a place without any comfort.  It is said that Peter converted a number of fellow prisoners there, even the guards. The Roman society was in many ways brutish to those who were weakest.

Yet, they were known throughout the Christian world at the time for the kind of love and concern they showed one another.  Perhaps that's why they were both so attractive to some, and a threat to others.

Fast forward 1400 years  to the Christian church at the pinnacle of its power.  Great learning and great art are at the service of the church.  I have to admit I was stunned by the immensity and beauty of Saint Peter's.  I have been to a lot of big churches, but this was unbelievable.  There is the shear size.  There are the great works of art.  The place exudes power.

I found myself wondering what the world needs more, the simple house churches of Travatere or the kind of power to create such beauty.  I suppose both have some grace, I'm definitely leaning toward the Trastavere.

Aside from all that having a great time walking the streets of Rome and finding surpises around every corner.  I'm writing this blog in the Piazza Santa Maria Trastavere tonight where it is 11:00 p.m. and the party is just starting! So more later.



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